Clarity of Governance is vital, including in the Aeronautical Industry - Aloia Aerospace

Clarity of Governance is vital, including in the Aeronautical Industry

According to research, 64% of companies say that internal communication remains one of the priorities for growth.

In times of the internet, globalization and cross-information, humanity faces a challenge: practicing clear and precise communication, once most of us try our best to stay focused and achieve goals, almost all the time. According to a survey carried out by Deloitte, 64% of Brazilian companies say that internal communication was one of the main investment priorities in 2023 and it keeps on increasing this year. “Corporate governance is fundamental in all sectors, and it wouldn’t be different in aeronautics. Starting from the premises of the company’s mission, vision and values, frequent monitoring of all results and all actions and initiatives behind them is a sine qua non condition for the success of a company, as well as the adjustment of goals and their respective actions when necessary”, says Tatiana Aloia, co-founder of Aloia Aerospace Inc., a multinational company that operates in the spare parts market for the Aeronautical Industry.

The essentiality of Governance in companies for growth is not a new concept, but it has gained strength in recent years and promotes internal and external improvements, helping companies to expand. “It is a set of practices and processes that aim to guarantee transparency, ethics and responsibility in the functioning of companies, encompassing the rules and control mechanisms that guide the decisions and actions of managers, seeking to protect the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders”, explains the CEO.

Another fundamental aspect of corporate governance is the disclosure of clear and accurate information. Companies must provide financial and non-financial reports regularly and transparently, allowing everyone involved to have access to relevant data for decision-making. Furthermore, communication with employees, suppliers and society must be made in a clear and accessible manner, promoting trust and transparency.

Moreover, for Tatiana, it is especially important to promote an inclusive and collaborative work environment. “Clear and transparent communication promotes team inclusion and stimulates greater collaboration from everyone. We need transparency and clarity in speaking, writing, listening and everything that involves communication, including training, feedback and positioning with customers, suppliers, partners and internally. Collaboration needs to come from managers, for example, and involves close training for each professional”, she says.

Corporate governance also involves the definition of risk management policies and practices. It is essential that companies identify, evaluate and manage the risks to which they are exposed, seeking to minimize possible negative impacts and protect the interests of shareholders. The adoption of good risk management practices contributes to business sustainability and the creation of long-term value.

In the current context, corporate governance has become more and more relevant, especially given the growing demand for sustainability and social responsibility. Companies that adopt good administrative actions are in a better position to attract investments, establish strategic partnerships and face market challenges. “The best practices to boost excellence and operational efficiency in the aeronautical market are, first and foremost, safety, accompanied by technical knowledge and application of procedures, aiming for zero failures”, she highlights.

By performing all the steps mentioned here, companies can strengthen their reputation, attract investors, and stand out in an increasingly competitive market. “A healthy and welcoming work environment, with standards and safety, brings lightness to everyday life and provides all professionals to seek the best solution for the client in all situations. Currently, speed is the word of the moment, and the aeronautical sector benefits a lot from quick solutions”, concludes Tatiana Aloia.

This reality also applies to all segments, once, every day, our professional self is entirely linked to our personal self and vice versa, after all, mental health depends on the balance of everything and that is what we seek most. According to a survey carried out by Infojobs, 86% of employees would change jobs to preserve their mental health, 61% don’t feel satisfied or happy at work, and the majority (76%) have known someone who had to take time away from work activities due to psychological reasons. So, you need to be attentive, alert and invest in self-knowledge to stay away from bad statistics.

Font: JovemPan


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